Green Energy & Environmental Remediation Listed below are facilities, technologies and relevant keywords for Green Energy & Environmental Remediation Technologies. Inventors and Spin-off companies related to the Green Energy & Environmental Remediation Sector can be found on the right. Facilities Western - Biotron Experimental Climate Change Research Centre Western - Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR) Western - Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Western - Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WINDEEE) Western - Advanced Facility for Avian Research (AFAR) Technologies Biological Nutrient Removal by Modified MBR System Food-Grade Bacteria Species to Detoxify and Remove Heavy Metals from Humans Relevant Keywords: Civil & Environmental Engineering, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Clean Technology, Probiotics, Pesticides, Green Energy & Environmental Remediation, Bioremediation, Wastewater Treatment innovators George Nakhla Gregor Reid Jeremy Burton Jigneshkumar Patel Jordan Bisanz Marc Monachese startups AgriTherm Inc. Renix Inc. ENSYN Grenetek Inc.