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Search Term: robotics


Dual Purpose Upper and Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot
BackgroundThere are 800,000 new cases of stroke in the United States and Canada each year. In cases of stroke, it is common for the upper and lower limbs to become weakened or paralyzed. Robotic rehabilitation systems have been developed to assist in the delivery of movement therapy to both the upper or lower extremities to maximize return of function...
A Magneto-Rheological-Based Actuation System
Background:With current means of actuation, very few options exist that provide multiple degrees of freedom (DOF) and move independently without the addition of multiple motors. For instance, conventional means of safely actuating robotic devices involve the use of specially modified servo motors at each joint to control motion. In most applications...
A Magneto-Rheological-Based Clutch System for Robots
Background:The new frontier in the development of industrial automation lies in the area of small and medium enterprises where robots will be required to work in close proximity to human counterparts. Conventional means of safely actuating robotic devices involve the use of specially modified servo motors at each joint to control motion, in conjunction...
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