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Search Term: angiogenesis%2fvasculogenesis


Peptides targeting EGFL7, a critical player in angiogenesis
Background:Epidermal growth factor-like 7 (EGFL7) is an endothelial cell secreted protein whose expression is restricted to actively remodeling vascular endothelium. It is critical for vascular tube formation during angiogenesis through localizing to the extracellular matrix (ECM) at the basal surface of endothelial cells and promoting endothelial cell...
Cell Culture Supplements for Generating Mature, Functional, Stabilized Blood Vessels In Vitro
Background: The difficulty in generating complex functional blood vessels in vitro has been an important limitation to the adoption and application of complex cell based models for functional screening and drug discovery. While the formation of endothelial tubes is well known within the academic literature, the ability to generate integrated vessels...
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